Catalogue of Comet Discoveries

1999 edition

Download page

I have decided to provide the Catalogue free on the web instead of sending it individually via e-mail. You still have the possibility to join the mailing list for information concerning the Catalogue. If one uses data of this Catalogue in some work I ask for referencing to the Catalogue (and maybe a copy of this work ;) ) Please remember that the Catalogue is a spare-time project so there may come times with only little progress.

Whats new in the 1999 edition?

Compared with the last version of the Catalogue a lot of changes and improvements (I hope... ) have been incorporated. The following list gives an overview:

Future improvements

The following list gives an overview of planned changes/improvements.

Mailing list

If you want to be added to the Catalogue's mailing list to stay informed about news and updates please send me a mail.


To avoid viewing the data in your browser and for direct download use <Shift>-Click on the linked file.
Name              Size                   Description
com_disc.txt .... 149.858 bytes......... Main data file.
catalog .txt ...... 4.836 bytes......... Readme file with information on sources and format.
comnotes.txt ...... 3.123 bytes......... Data file with supplementary notes.

© 1999, Maik Meyer (
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